What We Do ?
Customer technical support
Sorry that you are having technical problems.
Please reach out to technical support at the phone number.
Vida ICT Response Center
(help desk)
[email protected]
(234) 90540 31378
Phone number
After-hours support:
If you leave a message for support on our business whatsapp line between 7:00 PM and 5:00 AM, you are allowed to leave a voice message that will be handled the following day.
If you have an after-hours emergency, please call in.
Upon answering our services representative will take your name, company name, phone number and a brief description of the problem. They are not engineers. Rather, they will contact our on-call computer engineer who will call you back and respond as needed.
Business whatsap
Virtual office
Have a project in mind? Let's discuss.
Lets help you find your business technology fit. Ask better questions. Identify red flags.
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