Every annual quarter, we invite our customer executives and technology administrators to join us for an exciting program we call Tech-life-hour. The goal is to give you strategy & trends that can help your business thrive.
More about Tech-life-hour
The purpose of this initiative is to provide knowledge of the latest high-level trends and best practices about what is going on in the world of information technology security and processes. This goes deeper than a routine IT session - after all, processes starts and ends with every employee. You may have policies and processes in your usual way of doing business that could be potential threats leaving you vulnerable.
Sign up to keep your business abreast on latest trends and technology security strategy.
Our goal is to bring awareness of the latest trends and best practices to help
Why should i enroll
Human error and lack of awareness of the latest trends and best practices is the leading cause of data breaches and IT issues around the world. It is crazy to think that taking 60 minutes to refresh your IT and security knowledge will not make a difference. However, the truth is when you know what to look for, the mistakes that create these breaches are easily preventable.
What you will learn:
This training will cover everything from ICT updates, to recent workstations, to the world wide web, to email, to personal IT habits and security,Meeting highlights:
- Learn recent trends in cyber attacks and security
- Learn recent trends in Information technology
- Learn recent trends in equipments
- High level IT security strategy
- Extensive Q&A - get your questions answered and hear what other executives are concerned about
- Participants can speak freely
Have a project in mind? Let's discuss.
Lets help you find your business technology fit. Ask better questions. Identify red flags.
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